I Am a Researcher
Ray Yin
Major(s): Psychology, specialization in Human Health
College: Sixth
UC San Diego graduation year: 2025
Which research programs/experiences have you been a part of?
What are you researching?
My URS research topic focuses on how children think about digital devices and how they learn from them. I am also part of a psychiatry lab where I am studying how to motivate discouraged patients and improve therapy retention rates.
Why and how did you decide to get involved in undergraduate research?
I first got involved with research because I wanted to improve my odds of getting into medical school, but I found myself enjoying the work I was doing more than I expected to. With the support of my PI in the Mind and Development Lab, I eventually decided to strike it out on my own and conducted literature reviews to initiate my own research project. The process of orchestrating a study from beginning to end has been one of the most exciting experiences I've ever had!
What has been the most exciting/interesting thing you've discovered through your research?
Children are weird. They really don't like to give you a straight answer, and when you ask them to justify their beliefs, their justifications are often neither here nor there. They can be really fun to work with, but they can be a headache too.
What did you gain from this program/experience?
I've had the chance to attend some incredibly informative seminars at the program's mini-conferences, and I'm very excited to present at the Summer Research Conference.
What advice would you give to students starting research?
Don't be scared to ask questions. Your PI, PhD students, and Postdocs are often more than willing to support you and answer your questions! Even if you think your question is stupid, they won't. They didn't get into their positions by not questioning things, after all.
What are your future plans?
I hope to get into medical school and become a Psychiatrist in the future, but I am also considering pursuing a MD-PhD as I am interested in conducting research on Palliative Care.
Anything else you want to share?
I'd like to mention that I wouldn't be able to do what I do without the support of my parents, my girlfriend, and my two cats. Their support is truly invaluable to me, and they are what motivate me to keep on going.