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I Am a Researcher

Mikaela Kjenaas Profile

Mikaela Kjenaas

Major(s): Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience

College: Sixth College

UC San Diego graduation year: 2025

URH Research Programs:

What are you researching (or did you do in the past)?

In the Smith lab, we explore empathetic behaviors in rodents through the social transfer of pain to understand the neural mechanisms involved during this prosocial interaction. For the project I am currently part of, we are investigating the visual cues of a bystander and how it plays a role in consolation behaviors during social interaction when a bystander is paired with another cagemate experiencing acute pain. 

Why and how did you decide to get involved in undergraduate research? 

From when I was little, I always had this innate curiosity about the brain and the mechanisms associated with it. In high school, I found myself watching videos that tried to explain the mass amount of complexities that are happening within the brain associated with various progressive diseases. Although I have been fascinated by research, I was never able to progress into any research during my time at community college due to financial constraints, personal commitments at home, and few opportunities available around me. Once I transferred, I knew I had to jump at any opportunity that came my way and I was grateful STARTneuro was a program that provided all the tools I needed to begin my journey as a researcher!

What has been the most exciting/interesting thing you've discovered through your research? 

Gaining a sense of confidence in my ability to learn various skills in my lab and run experiments has been the most rewarding by far. Before transferring to UC San Diego, I was never immersed into the world of research and only knew very little of what it truly meant to be a researcher. It wasn't until being part of STARTneuro that I gained a clear sense of all the possibilities that are out there and intriguing questions waiting to be answered. Although it was tough being thrown into a new environment I had never been in before, with time I was able to overcome the moments of self-doubt that lingered in my mind and built confidence in myself. I am forever grateful for STARTneuro and my two incredible mentors Dr. Juavinett and Dr. Bloodgood who provided me with their unwavering support and opportunity to dive into the world of research. I am also grateful for my wonderful PI Dr. Smith who provides me with the necessary tools to become a better scientist every day. It is amazing to be surrounded by the people in my lab who share the same ambitions as I do and support each other every step of the way. I am lucky to have met all these amazing people I have worked with to help on my research journey and am excited to see where this path takes me!

Mikaela Kjenaas conducting research

What did you gain from this program/experience? 

I felt like this program gave me a foundation of the necessary skills needed to be a researcher in the field of neuroscience. It enhanced my understanding of the different fields within neuroscience and how one can go about trying to answer questions using 

various techniques and methods. This program also provided a diverse range of paths and careers one can p

ursue in research after completing your undergraduate degree.   

What advice would you give to students starting research? 

Don't be too hard on yourself when getting introduced to research! It can be intimidating at first, but with time you will be able to adapt to this new environment and things will start to make sense. Like everything else, it takes time to get better when learning a new technique or skill. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it

What are your future plans?:

would like to do either a year in a post-baccalaureate program before graduate school or go straight into graduate school and get a Ph.D. in behavioral neuroscience. 


  • Mikaela Kjenaas profile picture
  • Mikaela Kjenaas conducting her research