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Conference Travel Funding

If you are presenting your research at a non-UC San Diego local, regional, or national conference you may be able to receive funding to attend the conference! Below are a few sources for undergraduate research conference support.

Important: Apply to all funding opportunities available. One funding source may not be able to fund your entire trip, but you may be able piece together smaller amounts from many sources to help cover your costs. 

Helpful Hint: To save money registering for a conference, it can sometimes be cheaper to become a member and pay the member price of the conference, rather than paying the non-member price.

Looking for conferences to present your research at? Check out our External Conferences page.

URH Conference Travel Funding Award


  • Current UC San Diego undergraduate student
  • Successfully completed an URH program within the last two years 
  • Presenting at a conference within the academic year applying 


Students can be provided $0-500 of student professional development funds for presenting at one conference per academic year.

Student expenses are reimbursed and not prepaid, with an exception of airfare and conference registration. A student may only be reimbursed for one conference per academic year in order to allow as many students as possible access to funding.

It is best to submit your URH Travel Funding request as soon as possible since it's a lengthy process with limited funding. Additionally, please keep in mind Funding is NOT guaranteed so always have a plan B if your request is not approved.

Reimbursement Policy

Items that can and cannot be reimbursed
For expenses eligible for reimbursement the priority is: We CANNOT reimburse:
Conference Registration Meals
Airfare Rental cars
Lodging (Hotel or Airbnb, under $275 + taxes or fees/night) Mileage or gas
Uber, Lyft or Taxi expenses Alcohol
Public transportation (subway, bus and train) Hotel expenses over $275 / night
Poster Printing costs Expenses unrelated to the the conference
Conference related expenses More than the travel funding approved
Baggage fees

Post-Travel Requirements

  • Send itemized receipts to URH within one week of attending the conference
  • Send URH 3-4 pictures or 1 screenshot from your trip and experience
  • May be asked to present at an URH workshop, seminar, or other event to help promote undergraduate research at UC San Diego

*If you have any questions regarding our policies, process or requirements please email


Only submit if you have read the qualifications and restrictions above. Applications for professional development funds should be submitted at least one month before attending the conference.

UC San Diego College Conference Funding

UC San Diego College conference funding supports students presenting their research at conferences outside of the San Diego area. These funds may be used to reimburse costs associated with conference registration fees, travel, and/or lodging. To apply, students should follow the process for their specific college.

ERC: submit application online here under “Funds for Conference Travel” section

Marshall: email to request more information

Muir: email to request more information

Revelle: submit application online here

Warren: email to request more information

Sixth: complete application form here and email it to

Seventh: find information and submit the application on the Seventh College website here

Funding from the Conferences

Many conferences offer funding themselves for students to attend their conference. This is often part of the registration form, but it may be a separate grant/scholarship/award form. When applying to a conference, be sure to find out if they have funding you can apply for.

UC San Diego School and Department Funding

Many schools and departments on campus support students to present at conferences. Below is a list of schools and departments we are aware of that offer conference funding. If your school or department is not listed below, be sure to contact them about possible conference funding. Additionally, for any schools and departments listed, please go to their websites for the most current information. The Undergraduate Research Hub does not maintain the awards or associated websites.

Council on Undergraduate Research Travel Awards

UC San Diego is a Council on Undergraduate Research enhanced institutional member. Students can obtain their free CUR membership, but it may not be necessary to obtain some of these awards.

Arts and Humanities

  • Trimmer Travel Fund - The Council on Undergraduate Research’s Trimmer Travel Fund Award will support arts and humanities undergraduate scholars in presenting their research at professional meetings. The awardee will receive an award of $1000 and recognition through CUR's media outlets and/or notifications through appropriate higher education publications. This award is supported by the CUR Arts and Humanities Endowment and the Arts and Humanities Division.
  • More Information

Biological Sciences

  • Biology Student Travel Award - The Biology Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is offering a limited number of travel grants, up to $250 each, for undergraduate students presenting original biological research results at a regional or national, discipline-specific meeting. Award recipients are required to acknowledge CUR for support of their travel in their talk or poster, to complete a short online survey about their meeting experience, and to submit a PDF file of their poster. Students from traditionally underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.
  • More Information

Physics and Astronomy

  • Undergraduate Research Support Award - For students in a physics-related major, a limited number of Undergraduate Research Support Awards (URSA), with a maximum amount of $500 each, will be offered to help undergraduates (1) conduct faculty-mentored research, (2) present their research at national conferences, or (3) publish their research in peer-reviewed journals.
  • More Information


  • The CUR Psychology Division is offering a limited number of research (e.g., supplies or expenses) or presentation (travel/conference registration) awards for undergraduate students conducting original psychological research (up to $400 per project).
  • More Information

Social Sciences

  • The Social Sciences Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is offering a limited number of grants, up to $200 each, for undergraduate students presenting the results of research that they have conducted at a regional or national, discipline-specific meeting (in person or virtually). In addition, two awards will be set aside for students attending an international conference. If they are not used, they will be given to students on the waiting list.
  • More Information
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Undergraduate Research Hub

Undergraduate Research LogoPhone: (858) 534-1774
Office Hours (Walk-In): Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 
Office Hours (Virtual): Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. (Zoom link)
Location: Student Center Building B, 1st Floor
Wayfinding Address: 9358 Mandeville Lane, La Jolla, CA 92093
Mailing Address: 9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0311, La Jolla, CA 92093-0311