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I Am a Researcher

Sophia Fang profileSophia Fang

Major(s): Data Science

College: Sixth College

UC San Diego graduation year: 2026

Which research programs/experiences have you been a part of? 


How did you hear about the Strauss scholarship?

I first learned about the Strauss scholarship through the Undergraduate Research newsletter. They feature so many amazing opportunities and the Strauss scholarship stood out to me as the one that best matched my passions and experiences.

What interested you in applying for it?

The Strauss scholarship’s focus on public service and social impact aligned with my own background in nonprofit work, human-centered design, and program management for educational experiences. Therefore, I focused on 1) creating hands-on learning opportunities in design for UCSD students through collaborative public service projects ranging from website redesigns to marketing campaigns and 2) providing pro-bono digital design solutions for nonprofit organizations so that they can focus on what they do best—advocating for and enacting change in our communities. This year we worked with 7 San Diego-based nonprofits and 35 student designers to make a real-world impact through design. Looking ahead, I am eager to expand this program with the Strauss scholarship to create even more opportunities for social impact through design.

Sophia Fang PresentingHow was the application process?

The written application is a pretty lengthy one consisting of a project proposal, personal statement, resume, transcript, and two recommendations. However, an upside of this program is that there are no interviews or further materials required beyond your initial application. My application could not have been possible without the immense support and encouragement from Tán Ho, my manager at ed-tech start-up Fiveable, and Dr. Mandy Bratton, my Global TIES project advisor. I am extremely grateful for their trust and belief in what I set out to create.

How has the scholarship benefited you?

Changing the landscape of design education would not be possible without a community of dedicated student leaders, committed design students, and passionate nonprofit organizations. With the support of the Strauss Foundation, I am looking forward to expanding the program to create even more hands-on, human-centered design learning opportunities through year-round programming and other career-readiness initiatives. Not only that but being a Strauss scholar has connected me with like-minded individuals from all across California looking to make an impact on their local communities, which has further motivated and inspired me to do the work that I do.

What advice do you have for others interested in applying for this scholarship (or others)?

Don’t reject yourself! If you are at all passionate about public service or social change in the many different forms that it takes, I encourage you to look into the Strauss scholarship program. Take advantage of the resources offered through the Undergraduate Research Hub to receive feedback and perfect your application. For me, Dr. Sophia Tsai Neri was a great help when it came to providing valuable insights as to what makes a successful application and recommending ways for me to improve my project proposal.

What are you up to now (professionally, research, etc.)? 

I’m currently interning at tech nonprofit Kode with Klossy, an organization that offers free two-week coding camps covering topics such as web development, mobile app development, data science, and machine learning to young women and gender-expansive youth. This summer, I’m honored to have the opportunity to work on program operations for these students of traditionally underrepresented genders in the STEM fields as they explore the world of tech and their place in it.

Sophia Fang and a group of fellow researchersWhat are your future plans?

In the short term, I’m committed to creating more opportunities for UCSD student designers by establishing partnerships with more nonprofits and diversifying the types of design projects offered. In the long term, I hope to build on the experiences I’ve gained through the Strauss scholarship program and at UCSD in general to continue my work in the education and nonprofit spaces.


  • Sophia Fang profile
  • Sophia Fang presenting 
  • Sophia Fang and group