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I Am a Researcher

Andrew Zhang profile picture

Andrew Zhang

Major(s): Neurobiology

College: John Muir College

UC San Diego graduation year: 2025

URH Research Programs:

How did you hear about the Goldwater scholarship? 

When I was a part of the summer research program, one of the workshops introduced me to the Goldwater Scholarship. 

What interested you in applying for it? 

Guided by my PI, Dr. Gulcin Pekkurnaz, and my postdoc mentor, Dr. Haoming Wang, I developed a deep interest in neuronal metabolism and made significant contributions to our projects. This experience makes me feel like a strong candidate for the scholarship.

Emily Pan presenting her research projectHow was the application process?

There were quite a few essays to write for the Goldwater Scholarship, so starting early would definitely be helpful. The application also requires 3 letters of recommendation so it’s a good idea to get these letters early too!

How has the scholarship benefited you?

Receiving the scholarship is a great validation of my research work and affirms my hopes to pursue a scientific career. Plus, the application questions were quite similar to those in graduate school applications, so it was definitely helpful in preparing for that as well.

What advice do you have for others interested in applying for this scholarship (or others)?

Andrew Zhang with group presenting

Write your essays early and reach out to potential letter writers in advance! Also, don't hesitate to ask for help. Having your research supervisors read over your essays and provide feedback can help improve it a lot. And most importantly, don't be afraid to apply. Going through the application process has helped me grow, and I believe it's worth the effort.

What are you up to now (professionally, research, etc.)?

I am currently working on additional research projects related to neuronal metabolism and neurodegenerative diseases.

What are your future plans?

I am interested in pursuing an MD/PhD and having a career as a physician-scientist. 

Andrew Zhang ResearchAnything else you want to share?

I am very thankful for the guidance I have received over the years from my research mentors, especially Dr. Pekkurnaz and Dr. Wang, and all the support from URH that has allowed me to win the Goldwater Scholarship


  • Andrew Zhang profile picture
  • Andrew Zhang presenting
  • Andrew Zhang with group at conference
  • Andrew Zhang research photo