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I Am a Researcher

Cameron ManardJoseph Awad

Major(s): Psychology

College: University of California, Los Angeles

UC San Diego graduation year: 2026

Which research programs/experiences have you been a part of?

What are you researching (or did you do in the past)?
At the time of my internship, I was attending Mt. San Jacinto Community College but now since transferring, I'm set to graduate in 2026 from UCLA.  I was a part of the HIV Institute's Community Health Scholarship from June till August.  The main project that I got to work on was assessing the impact of internalized sexuality stigma on depressive and anxiety symptoms amongst Latino Men who have Sex with Men. In the following year, having gained many practical research skills, I launched my own study at Mt. San Jacinto College as primary student investigator examining psychosocial and demographical determinants to voter willingness and depressive symptoms of California Community College students. This huge project ended up being multi-award winning by the Honors Transfer Council of California. 

How did you hear about the Summer URS HIV Institute scholarship? 

I was told about this scholarship by my mentor in Community College, Chair Anjeanette Oberg.

What interested you in applying for it? 

I was thrilled to apply because I wanted to gain more hands-on experience in a research area that interests me, with communities that I knew I wanted to work with for the rest of my career.

How has the scholarship benefited you? 

The scholarship was a great help when it came to making ends meet while being involved in research full time.

What advice do you have for others interested in applying for this scholarship (or others)? 

If you're interested in working with the populations that the scholarship supports, don't hesitate to apply.

What are your future goals?

After I realized that I wanted to end up in academia as a professor, I came to learn how critical it was to have significant research experience under my belt to not only be competitive for graduate programs, but also successful as a graduate student. To students who are unsure about starting in research, I can't emphasize enough it is to know your 'why', as you go about a potential career in research. For me, I have such drive and passion in the realms of political and health psychology to shape ongoing public policy development and legislative priorities through culturally conscious, equity-minded, & data-driven approaches to research.


  • Joseph Awad Profile