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Dean Zhou

Student Scholar

Hi, I'm Dean

I am an upcoming graduate of UC San Diego (class of 2020) in Revelle College, majoring in Biochemistry and Cell Biology as well as Economics.

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Year /  College / Major

2020, Revelle, Biochemistry and Cell Biology / Economics

Which UR Programs have you been a part of?

UC Scholars

What are you researching?

My area of research is cancer immunology and I work in Dr. Michael Karin’s lab. My research project specifically is to understand the mechanisms of chemoimmunotherapy.

Why did you decide to get involved in undergraduate research?

Conducting research has always been something that I wanted to try out. I believe that whether I enjoy the process or not, it would be a great experience regardless. Unfortunately, my high school did not have the resources for students to get involved in basic biology research. Therefore, I sought to utilize the resources here at UC San Diego.

How did you get your start?

I looked through for openings on REAL portal and Handshake and applied to several positions. After interviewing with several PIs, I was very interested by the projects that my current PI had and eventually decided to work an immunology lab.

How have you been affected by COVID?

Our lab, although not completely shut down, is currently on a schedule with reduced personnel. Therefore, I am doing most of my work remotely, such as data analysis and paper writing. I go into the lab as little as possible, only for the essential experiments.

How are you being innovative in order to continue doing research?

I was fortunate enough to acquire a good amount of data before the quarantine started, so I used this time to focus on analyzing the data that I already have.

What is keeping you hopeful right now?

I am using this quarantine time to pick up some skills that I had no time for. I started to continue learning Japanese because I have not been learning much after my study abroad year in Tokyo. I also had the time to better my cooking and baking skills at home.

What are your future plans?

I am accepted into the Immunology Ph.D. program at University of Chicago. I hope the rigorous training there can further motive me to achieve more. 

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