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Christian Johnson

 christian -student


Hi, I'm Christian!

I'm an senior in Thurgood Marshall College. I am majoring in Political Sciene - Public Law.

 Which UR Programs and research conferences have you been a part of?

I am part of the TRELS Program and will be presenting at the Spring 2021 CRASSH Conference


What are you researching?

My area of research focuses on the innovation of theatre. My work seeks to disrupt the conventional ways we engage with theatre not just as performers and artists but also as audience members. What’s important to my research is how interdisciplinary I make my collaboration. I have worked and performed with many different disciplines and backgrounds. It is through that collaboration I have learned to approach storytelling in new and unique ways. All of this is done through my production company Found Space. All of my pieces seek to strike a conversation at the intersection of performance and identity. It is through those conversations we generate agency.


Why and how did you decide to get involved in undergraduate research?

I chose to get involved in undergraduate research because I love the entrepreneur side of it all. Getting up to tackle a subject and field I’m passionate about keeps me on my toes. Moreover, the collaboration and networking that I get to have with my fellow students is equally thrilling.


What are your future plans/goals?

My future goal is to become an innovator in the art community. I have found that my passion is bringing people together and creating something from nothing. Guess you could say I’m a “people person".


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