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Audrey Bogosian ImageI am a Strauss Scholarship Winner!

Audrey Bogosian

Major: Molecular and cell biology

College: Revelle

UC San Diego graduation year: 2023How did you hear about the Strauss scholarship?
My adviser Dr. Sophia Tsai Neri through the Undergraduate Research Hub mentioned the Strauss scholarship to me and suggested that I apply. She helped connect me with Dr. David Artis who helped me throughout the application process.What interested you in applying for it?I have been interested in public service and was trying to find a program to help me develop that interest. Since I am Armenian, I have been on several medical service trips to Armenia, and I wanted to find some way to provide more service to the population.How was the application process?
The application process was very new to me since I had not written a grant proposal before. I had to dig deep and figure out what I wanted my project to provide and which organizations I could use as a resource. Although it was very challenging to research all of the information and navigate what a grant proposal requires, it was extremely fulfilling to submit the final version to the Strauss committee. How has the scholarship benefited you? The Strauss scholarship helped develop me as a person since it took me outside of my comfort zone. I am more confident in myself now that I've put on a year-long public service project by myself! It even helped reconnect me to my heritage when I lived in Armenia alone for 2 months. At the end of the year, during the conference where all of the Strauss scholars shared their projects, I was able to meet so many driven, compassionate young leaders!What advice do you have for others interested in applying for this scholarship (or others)?
I would choose a project that you feel really passionately about! Definitely find a project adviser who has a lot of knowledge in the field that you are working in. Reach out to the advisers at URH who can help you get started! Set up a meeting with them and talk to them about what project you are considering. Check out the Strauss Scholarship website. They have a LOT of examples of past project proposals that can help you along the way.What are you up to now?
I am finishing up my last quarter at UC San Diego. I work as an EMT doing interfacility transportation, and I'm working on my medical school apps.What are your future plans?I want to be a physician, so I plan on becoming a medical student for the next 4 years. During my gap year I am going to work as an EMT or a medical scribe!Anything else you want to share?
In my free time, I love crocheting, traveling to state parks, hanging out with my friends, and learning Armenian!