Miles Corley
Major: Microbiology
College: Revelle College
Year at UC San Diego: 4th Year, Senior
URH Programs: URS-Eureka! Scholarship for Biological Science Majors (Summer 2021), TRELS (Fall 2020), URS-Ledell Family Research Scholarship for Science and Engineering (Summer 2020)
What are you researching (or did you do in the past)?
Currently, I am characterizing new host-virus arms races between host proteins and viral proteases using virology, immunology, and protein biochemistry. During my first program with URH, I performed molecular evolutionary analyses on 100+ primate genes by constructing a computational pipeline to streamline evolutionary analysis using PAML software.
Why and how did you decide to get involved in undergraduate research?
In high school, the Ebola epidemic reached the United States and the first case of travel associated Ebola made headlines. Studying microscopic particles with minute genomes with the ability to decimate its host was fascinating. After seeing a virus make headlines in such a drastic manner, I knew I wanted to work with viral pathogens. Shortly after arriving at UCSD, I reached out with as many professors as possible that aligned with my interests. In April of my freshman year, I joined the lab of Dr. Matthew Daugherty, whose research focuses on the evolution and the mechanisms of host-viral conflicts, and I have been doing exciting virology research ever since!
What has been the most exciting/interesting thing you've discovered through your research?
The most interesting thing I discovered wasn’t in the lab but rather presenting my research at my first symposium , which drastically restructured the way I think and communicate science. Previous to this experience, I had only presented my research to the other scientists in my lab, without giving much thought to how my science could be communicated to a general audience interested in my research. With the ideas conferred to me by my mentors and my own interpretation of my project, I presented in front of a critical panel. My presentation was extremely well reviewed, and I received accolades from the moderators as well as spectators in the audience.
What are your future plans/goals?
In September, I will be starting my PhD with the University of Washington Department of Microbiology. As a long-term goal, I aspire to manage a research group at an undergraduate institution, so I can inspire and mentor many upcoming scientists.
What advice would you give to students starting into research work?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions! You are here at UCSD to learn and grow as a researcher and asking questions if the best way to learn!
Anything else you want to share?
Participate in as many opportunities to practice your writing as you can! Any practice writing grants, papers, and personal statements will contribute to your future success!