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Donna Yerat-Rodriguez



Hi name is Donna Yerat-Rodriguez!  I’m a TRELS Summer Research Scholar and an incoming fourth-year in Revelle College majoring in Political Science with a Minor in Ethnic Studies. 



Area of Research

I’m currently conducting research in the field of Education Studies. As part of my research project, I am utilizing student testimonios (testimonies) to understand how 1st generation college students define success within the context of higher education. Defining our own success through our testimonios allows us to center our own voices and experiences in spaces that have not historically served 1st generation and other non-traditional students. I hope to highlight and bring to the forefront how student's culture, language, and backgrounds help us navigate higher education.'



Why did you decide to get involved in undergraduate research?

I decided to become involved in undergraduate research because I wanted to learn  how 1st generation college students at UCSD defined success for themselves.  Most importantly, I wanted to understand how 1st generation college student’s unique experiences and backgrounds helped them navigate higher education.  



How did you get your start in research?

I first began learning about research through the Raza Centro’s Writing Collective which offers support and a community for students that are currently working on research. My first exposure to what research meant and what it could look like was through the Writing Collective because I learned how diverse and interdisciplinary research can look like within the Social Sciences. 


How have you been affected by COVID?

Mostly, not being able to conduct in person meetings and community building has definitely been a challenge during COVID-19. However, I have learned different ways to remain connected to the campus community through virtual platforms which have helped me continue with my research.



What is keeping you hopeful right now?

Having the support from my Faculty Mentor has kept me hopeful and inspired during COVD-19. 



What are your future plans?

My future plan is to attend Law school and practice immigration law to continue advocating for immigrant rights and marginalized communities. In the future, I also hope to begin a non-profit that serves underrepresented students that focuses on accessibility to college and peer-mentorship.



What are some of the issues that you are most passionate about and organizations/clubs you have been involved in while attending UCSD? 

During my time at UCSD, I participated in the Legislative Advocacy program which taught me how to find a voice and provided me with the tools to advocate on  behalf of my community. Therefore, I’m extremely passionate about advocating for immigrant rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and Equity in Education because of the organizations and projects I have been involved in while at UCSD. During college, I have also been dedicated to peer-mentoring incoming first-years at UCSD while helping them navigate higher education on their own and uplifting them to become advocates in their own unique way. 

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